Friday, 8 February 2013



The copyright law

The current copy right act that stands in the UK at the moment was passed in 1988. It gives creators of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works the right to control the ways in which their material may be used. This means that their work cannot be taken by other creators and said to be theirs instead.
Photography, painting, architecture, technical drawings/diagrams, maps, logos, etc.
Typographical arrangement of published editions magazines, periodicals, etc.
photography can be protected with the copyight law, it means photographers can but restrictions on who uses their photos again or even copy the same photograph of them. The law then changes on a photograph/graphic/painting etc if the artist or creator has been dead for 70 years. 


Trademark (or trade mark) is a way for a business to help people to identify the products that the business makes from products made by another business. A trademark can be a name, word, phrase, symbol, logo, design, or picture.  It can only be used on things made by the business that owns the trademark. It can be used for things such as band logos, they can use the trademark so that no other band can use their design or name for their band. 
If someone uses a trademark logo in the way then the owner of the trademark can sue the person. However, if a person does want to use a trademark they can ask for the owner’s permission. If they want to use the trademark they could have to pay a percentage of the profits to the trademark owner.

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property (IP) refers to the ownership of an idea or design by the person who came up with it. It is used in Property Law.  It gives people rights to a design they may have created meaning no one else can copy or reuse the creation without the owner’s permission.